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Our Stud Dogs

Stud Prices starting from

£ 350

and includes free Cytology and scan with all studs

(for more details see our prices page)


Takes place in the home in a family environment, with an experienced handler present at all times.

Mating Certificate

A mating certificate will be provided that will confirm the mating between our dog and your bitch, and a due date will be provided.


Before mating with our stud, we require that all bitches have a course of antibiotics to help with the protetion of our stud and your bitch.  This will also help to produce a good healthy litter of puppies.

Ultra Scanning

We are now offering to ultra scan the bitch to see if she is pregnant.

We use Smartwand this can be viewed on screen and photo printed if required.


We are also offering to test your bitch to see if its the optimum time for her to conceive.

3. General

Jimmy James



Jess Jess


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